Which book would you like me to review over spring break?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

So, what's going on?

Well, I haven't been the most active blogger lately. I'm sure as you read that it came to quite the shock! ;) Part of that has been because I've been busy. Homework, finals, my oh-so-busy social life (ha.ha.). The main reason though, has been I just don't know what to do. I feel like I can never come up with adequate ideas! But today I was writing (I've slacked off on that a bit too) and talking to some friends, and the cool thing is, this summer is actually going to be good. There will be tons of opportunities for me to meet new people, get closer to old friends, and serve God. In the process of my excitement, I decided what I would be doing on Reading, Writing, and Somewhat Profound thoughts this summer. It will change once school starts again, depending on if you like it or not. I'll have a poll or something in August so you can tell me what you think. Here's what the schedule will mostly look like:

Monday: This day's post will be short. It will consist of just a verse, a quote, some lyrics from a song, but no matter what it is, it will be focusing on God.

Wednesday: Wednesday will be hitting the "reading and writing" part of the blog. I'll post anything from a book review to an author interview to a sneak peak at what I'm writing.

Saturday: This day will be dedicated to bringing you along on the adventure that I'll be going on this summer. I'll be sharing pictures, stories, things that I learned, things that made me laugh, and just anything I think you might enjoy.

This will officially start up tomorrow with a "reading and writing" post. I hope to see you around!

What are your plans this summer? Is there anything you're really looking forward to? I'd love to hear about it in the comments.

(Link up: Adriana Lister is doing a similar thing this summer and we decided to link up together, so go check out her blog at notsoaverageramblings.wordpress.com)


  1. Sounds like a good schedule! I'm looking forward to these posts. :)

  2. Sounds like you'll have some cool posts! I'm going to a mission camp this summer.

    Alexa Skrywer

  3. I love your blog!
    So, I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award!
    Congratulations! http://adrianagabriellewrites.wordpress.com/2014/07/01/liebster-award/
    – Check out the link on my blog, Adriana Gabrielle Writes, to post back.
