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Friday, November 15, 2013

It's the Little Things that Count

I guess this would go under "Somewhat Profound Thoughts". But honestly? That's what at least half of my posts will be. I think a lot. Actually, I spend most of my time thinking. Yes, half of the time it is about writing or books. But the other half of it is what I really find interesting and compelling. What do you guys really want to hear about though? My books? Writing advice? Book reviews? My thoughts? I have some pretty cool testimonies too. God has worked miracles in my life, two times (I know many, many more, but these are the two He's let me see) and both times I could've ended up dead if one circumstance was changed. *is officially sidetracked*

Anyways. Onto the post.


He was dead. The news had gotten passed throughout the whole entire town and now each person was haunted with one fact: they could've stopped him.
He had killed himself. And why? He had walked through town. Spent hours walking throughout the stores and streets and told himself that if one person smiled at him, he wouldn't do it.  But no one did. This man had an ugly face, and scarred arms, telling of an unbearable past and a stigma that drew people away from him. He wanted one friend. One act of kindness would even work. But after twelve hours no one offered him the simple kindness. So he went home and pulled the trigger.

Sad thing is, I heard of a story that was similar to this. People weren't able to even offer this man a smile, which led him to think that he was worthless. And it leads me to think this: How am I affecting people? Am I showing people that there is hope?

Hope is what we're craving that will never change. (Crave, For King and Country)

Could the simple act of me looking up at someone in the store and smiling save a life? Could it make me a new friend? There's a lot of questions like this that can be asked, but I think that the most important one is: Am I showing the lost world the Love of my Savior?

Matthew 5:16

      Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven.

I know this is short, but it's something that I've been thinking about, so I thought that I would share. After all, it is the little things that count.


  1. This is an important point Natalie. People too often seem stuck in their own lives to notice others. How often our actions...often small actions...make profound differences. Keep smiling...keep caring!

    1. It can be such a hard thing to remember! Which I do not understand. But it is very important. :) Thanks for reading!

  2. Great job with the blog, Natalie. :) Keep going!!
